Kids Campus Waitlist

We welcome all SFCC students, SFCC employees and community members to enroll their children at Kids Campus.  Children of students enrolled in degree or certificate programs at SFCC, SFCC employees, and full-time students at the Higher Education Center are prioritized for placement to support a two-generation philosophy of education at the college.

SFCC student parents must be in a declared degree or certificate program and taking a minimum of 6 credit hours per term.  At enrollment, you will need to present a current school schedule with 6 or more credits and Kids Campus will verify enrollment at the mid-term through mid-term grades.  Change in student status may affect enrollment at Kids Campus.

Our classroom settings support inclusive practices and teachers are prepared to work with all students, including students with different learning needs.

We encourage all interested families to apply to SFCC Kids Campus to be added to the waitlist. Space becomes available year-round for all classrooms.

View Program Cost Page

Enrollment Process:

Step 1: Complete the Kids Campus Waitlist Form through Smartcare. One application per child please. Applications are categorized by date of submission, waitlist placement is based on most recent application date.

Step 2: When a complete application is received, the child(ren) will be added to the waitlist based on their age and classroom availability.

Step 3: When a space becomes available, Kids Campus will contact the parents/guardians by email and phone. Parents/guardians will have 3 business days to accept an available placement. If they decline or do not respond, the position will be offered to the next child on the waiting list and the application will be removed.

Step 4: If the placement is accepted, parents/guardians must submit the $40 registration fee to secure the placement through Smartcare and complete the enrollment packet and contract. SFCC Students must submit class schedule, and midterm grades each semester.

Step 5: When Kids Campus has the complete enrollment packet and registration fee, parents/guardians will receive a start date and transition information.

If a second waitlist application is submitted for the same child, the first application and the waitlist spot will be replaced with the most recent application and waitlist position. If your status changes, please contact Kids Campus instead of submitting another application.


Kids Campus requires that children enrolling in our program be immunized according to the schedule published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and the Academy of Family Practice. All children must have a copy of their current immunization record on file before they can attend Kids Campus. If your child is not immunized because of family or religious beliefs, you must provide a New Mexico Health Department Certificate of Exemption. The Certificate of Exemption is valid for nine months.

Online Application:

Kids Campus Waitlist Application

Kids Campus at Santa Fe Community College
6401 Richards Avenue
Santa Fe New Mexico 87508
Front Desk 505-428-1354